In February I misplaced my digital camera. I hunted everywhere for it...under beds, in drawers, behind dressers, in closets, on shelves, in the car...but I could not find it anywhere. When my initial search was unsuccessful, I started to pray.
"God, please remind me where the camera is."
A thought popped into my head..."garage sale boxes". Huh? Why would my camera be in the garage sale boxes? The boxes were packed in the basement and I had not had my camera down there recently. I quickly dismissed the thought and continued to re-search all the different places that made sense to me. After 3 months of searching, I was starting to wonder if my camera was lost...gone...never to be seen again.
Two weeks ago, on the night before our garage sale, I passed by my battery charger when a thought popped into my head..."Charge the batteries. You're going to need them for your camera when you find it in the garage sale boxes". Yeah....right. Again I dismissed the suggestion thinking if it's true, I'll charge the batteries when I find the camera.
Later that evening, we opened the garage sale boxes and to my amazement, I found my camera in a bag of sweaters. Then it all came back to me...I had taken my camera to my mom's house to show her some pictures. Before I left, she gave me a bag of sweaters to sell in our garage sale and I put my camera in the bag to carry to the car. When I got home I put the bag in the boxes downstairs...forgetting about my camera.
A few days before I found my camera my daughter had asked me..."Why can't I hear God's voice?". I explained to her that God speaks to us in many different ways...through his Word, through people, through dreams and visions, and sometimes through a little thought or idea that pops into your head when you are trying to figure something out.
If only I had listened to that little voice, I would have saved myself a lot of time and stress. did give me a good "hearing God's voice" example to share with C.