Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Sometimes God shows himself in interesting ways

This morning we had a flood in the upstairs bathroom...the toilet overflowed. In the anxiety of what was happening, our student didn't think to call us for help and by the time we realized there was a problem, a fair amount of water had come out of the toilet. While I finished cleaning up the water, she explained that the toilet has been finicky in the past. Today when it acted up she told me she said a bad word and that's when the toilet overflowed...and then it wouldn't stop flowing. She said...

"I prayed to God to make the water stop and it did...so I believe there is a God."

This revelation makes up for the water stain on our kitchen ceiling...the one that made us aware that there was a problem upstairs.


momsmusings said...

What a fun morning...Awesome

Unknown said...

That is so funny, LOL - I like revelations like that!!

Anonymous said...

Hmm... clogged toilet = there is a God. Why not?